Happy New Year to all. Hope everyone had a nice break over the Christmas and New Year period. It is nice to see some rain early this week, with 22m falling overnight on Monday. It's the first decent rain we have had since the first week of December and the course was definitely showing how dry and hot it has been since November. Interestingly, last summer (2023/24) from November 1st to March 31st there were 12 days over 35 degrees. Since November 1st this summer (2024) we have had 16 days over 35 degrees already.
As most members are aware, our greens are always a little softer and slower through the summer months as we protect them against the summer conditions. More water is applied and mowing heights are raised along with the influence of humidity at times on the canopy of the plant. To this point in the summer the greens remain in a healthy condition apart from a few areas of stress that were a result of an irrigation pump failure one night in early December. Those areas have improved for the most part. We continue to hand water the greens during the day as needed, when the temperatures are high. Greens will continue to be micro managed for the remainder of the summer with the primary focus being to keep as much grass alive as possible.
Something that is becoming more challenging in recent months in particular, is the ability of the greens staff to get the course prepared early in the morning with golfers teeing off early before their tee times and the first allocated time on the booking sheet. The course is as busy as it has ever been and it is extremely important for staff to have the hours in the morning to get many things completed ahead of play, such as spraying. There have also been a few instances of golfers hitting up on staff. Greens staff do have right of way for safety reasons but if and when possible will call golfers to hit up once they are aware and watching. Can we please ask that all golfers check with the pro shop prior to teeing off and respect the tee times as booked. It may not seem like much going 10-20 minutes early but it is quite important for us and course preparation. We are unable to start any earlier then we already do due to a variety of reasons such as noise restrictions. We do appreciate your understanding and co-operation. | |