Greens have recovered and healed very nicely after our spring greens renovations. Soil amendments and a granular fertiliser were applied post renovation to assist with the recovery. Our first mow was at 4mm with the walk mowers, 7 days after completion of timing and topdressing. We are now down to 3.25mm with a healthy sward of grass on the surface. Please keep in mind that we are now very much conscious of the summer weather conditions with our approach to our management strategies. Greens are mowed a little higher, rolled less and watered more. All these contribute to the survival of the greens and minimising any potential stress areas on greens. It also means the greens will be a lot softer and slower in the next 3-4 months. Also, please be aware of greens staff when they are hand watering greens. This is necessary at this time of year and staff will endeavour to be on and off a green as quickly as they can. We appreciate the understanding and patience of golfers.
It is important that the first group of golfers on each tee on Thursdays and Saturdays do not tee off any earlier then the allotted times of 6.30am and 6am respectively. Greens staff are on a tight schedule and under pressure with two tee starts on these two competition days as it is without the additional pressure of golfers going early. If greens staff are aware of golfers going earlier then they should then they will be put in a situation where the golfers are forced to wait for a green to be mowed or a hole to be cut. Thank you.